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Dr Alexander May is our Principal Research Scientist in Cyber and Electromagnetic activities (CEMA) and holds a PhD in Optoelectronics, an MSc in Communication Systems, and a BSc in Mathematics. He performs research and development work on a broad range of defence-related electromagnetic problems, with a current focus on identifying vulnerabilities in contemporary communications networks (e.g. cellular or internet of things) for improved intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR), as well as an ongoing interest in modern HF systems and associated propagation studies. 

Outside of his work in communication systems, he has researched the design of novel low-observable materials and novel computational models for optical phenomena as a research fellow within the University of Exeter and QinetiQ TEAM-A metamaterials accelerator programme. Before this, he worked at an early-stage startup company developing smart glasses and on various natural language processing and voice recognition projects. These language-related works started as a visiting academic at the University of Southampton with the mathematics department, with which he has a long-standing relationship. 

With an interest in the history and personalities of those in physics, engineering, and innovation, he enjoys researching and publishing work in this field and developing context and problem-solving-based educational materials. He also enjoys camping with his young family and a diverse set of friends at Winchester Boxing Club. 

He holds professional memberships of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the Institute of Physics (IoP) and the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA).

"Long-term partnerships are vital and key to innovation, whether in the form of hands-on 'agile' development of technologies/techniques, or technological scouting surveys"

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